Muscarinic receptor subtype-specific effects on cigarette smoke-induced inflammation in mice.
Kistemaker LEM, Bos IS, Hylkema MN, Nawijn…

Tiotropium inhibits pulmonary inflammation and remodelling in a guinea pig model of COPD.
Pera T, Zuidhof A, Valadas J, Smit M, Schoemaker RG, Gosens R,…

Inhibition of allergen-induced airway remodelling by tiotropium and budesonide: a comparison.
Bos IS, Gosens R, Zuidhof AB, Schaafsma D, Halayko AJ, Meurs…

Protective effects of tiotropium bromide in the progression of airway smooth muscle remodeling.
Gosens R, Bos IS, Zaagsma J, Meurs H.
Am J Respir Crit Care…

Relationships among allergen-induced early and late phase airway obstructions, bronchial hyperreactivity, and inflammation in conscious, unrestrained guinea pigs.
Santing RE, Olymulder CG, Zaagsma J, Meurs H.
J Allergy…